Escorts Pharmaceuticals is a Ugandan homegrown importer, exporter, wholesaler, and retailer company.
Escorts Pharmaceuticals is a Ugandan homegrown importer, exporter, wholesaler, and retailer company involved in both exclusive representation and regional supply of a diverse range of quality, affordable health care solutions.
With over 17 years of experience, the Company has managed to exert country-wide reach in Uganda and a business segment that includes; pharmaceuticals, diagnostics, surgical equipment, and hospital sundries.
Escorts has 12 outletsa mix of 6 wholesale stores, 6 wholesale and retail outlets, and one sole retail store. Besides direct reach, the company has a network of contracted partners throughout Uganda. In addition, Escorts makes official exports to countries such as South Sudan and Rwanda.
At present, Escorts Pharmaceuticals employs 130+ people who are professional, well trained, and highly motivated.