HRAPF is a non-governmental human rights advocacy organization whose mission is to promote respect
HRAPF is a non-governmental human rights advocacy organization whose mission is to promote respect and protection of the human rights of marginalized persons and Most Risk Populations through enhanced access to justice, research and advocacy, legal and human rights awareness, capacity enhancement, and strategic partnerships.
HRAPFs work is directed towards achieving equality, non-discrimination, and access to justice for the most at-risk populations and marginalized groups in Uganda.
The site is designed to provide information about HRAPF, key developments in the field of human rights in Uganda, and access to the various publications that HRAPF has developed. It is updated periodically with the latest information.
Human Rights Awareness and Promotion Forum (HRAPF) is an independent, non-partisan, Non-Governmental human rights advocacy organization. It was founded in 2008 by a group of freshly graduated lawyers and other professionals. HRAPF seeks to create awareness of human right