The ambience of K HOTELS is casual and friendly. Personalized service is at the heart of our values.
The ambience of K HOTELS is casual and friendly. Personalized service is at the heart of our values. Guests can mingle in the Lounge and VIP areas for residents or relax in the terrace swimming pool with unobstructed views of Lake Victoria. K HOTELS combines gracious hospitality with contemporary style.
K HOTELS is newly opened intimate boutique hotel in Entebbe town, within close proximity of the Central Business District, with convenient access to all parts of the city, and essential social amenities, like shopping center, prime residential, international diplomatic neighborhoods, and international schools in the heart of the Entebbe city.
Looking for the perfect space for your meeting, special event or wedding? The new full furnished K HOTELS has all you could possibly need in modern HOTELS, situated in a wonderful location.