Frequently Asked Questions

Beyond just listing, are there other ways to increase my business or organization’s visibility on the site?

Yes, there are a number of ways to acheive by advertising either as a site partner or sponsor. Depending upon your business objective and the available budget, your business will receive recognition on the site and in promotional materials distributed by InfoUg. In addition, you brand your business or organization as a partner can enjoy more advanced advrtising options in form of banners either as image, html or texts.


You can choose from three options:

1) Premium Partner – your name or log will appear on multiple advertising spaces under your 5 categories of choice;

2) Exclusive Sponsorship – exclusive sponsorship of an section of the web site, either category, subcategory, location or special pages like blogs;

3) Shared Sponsorship – share sponsorship of a particular section with up to 14 other businesses or organizations; and

4) Prize/Competetion Sponsor – InfoUg regulary rewards user and participating listing busniesses on weekly and monthly basis. We also run competions and raffle draws for reviewers, sugestions and quiz particiants: You can enjoy subsidized rates for increased visibiity by BECOMING a sponsor for some of these activities.