Miracle Centre Cathedral

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The ministry started from the humble beginnings of the impoverished village, Masooli, located in central Uganda. People would say, ‘What good could come out of Masooli?’ Who would have dreamed that a global ministry could have been birthed from a small village? God’s ways are higher than our ways.

Nothing came easy for Pastor Robert Kayanja. His mother’s pregnancy was very difficult and a truly life-and-death decision had to be made to save his life. The miraculous power of God came through for him and his mother just in time. Life was granted to this miracle baby but he was born with a stutter. Again, who would have thought that a boy who stutters would one-day minister to those with no hope, living with the threat of disease and the fear of death, God had a powerful plan for this offspring from the village of Masoli.

Pastor Robert Kayanja grew in stature and wisdom. Through a truly divine encounter with Jesus Christ at the age of 17, he was called into ministry. At age 22 he was

Contact Information

  • Rubaga, Kampala, Uganda
  • +256 039 327 4122