Texda Uganda

Texda Uganda
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Texda is a Ugandan company established in 1999. Since its inception, Texda has remained a boutique company focused on niche products, valued customers, and small-scale orders. Our company is small, but we believe that ‘small is big’ when it comes to the needs of a particular group of customers who value hand-made products, individuality, and sustainably sourced materials. While small in size, our attention to detail has helped us deliver satisfaction to many customers. Alongside our customers, we also care for our staff who have strengthened our brand and led to our sustainability over the years. One of our biggest and most proud achievements is making the costumes for the British Academy of Film and Television Arts (BAFTA) award-winning film The Last King of Scotland (2007) filmed in Kampala.
Our products are marketed primarily to the international markets, namely the EU and USA. Some of our clients and partners are Global Girlfriend (USA) and Weaverbirds (DK). “Fabrics, shirts, pan

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